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 PC BEKKER  I  President  I  Breeds' Executive  (NCBC)                                                                                                                      

PC has been a member of CFSA since 1998.  In 2016, he was elected as the CFSA President.  He has been a member of various CFSA clubs since 1998.  In 2008 he started his journey to become a judge and in 2011 he successfully qualified as a CFSA all breeds judge, affiliated with the National Cat Judges Forum, since 2008.  PC is an active and highly respected all breeds judge.  He was co-opted as CFSA Breed Council Executive during 2019.

Throughout the years he has fulfilled many roles in the cat fancy, from being a steward, Persian, Exotic and Devon Rex breeder, all breeds judge, CFSA club committee member, CFSA NCBC sub-committee member, etc.
PC and his wife started exhibiting and breeding Persians with CFSA in 1998; in 2000 they added an Exotic breeding programme; and in 2001 they further expanded their cattery and incorporated a Devon Rex breeding program.  In 2012 they stopped their breeding programs and retired from exhibiting, to focus on family matters and embark on their judging journeys.  In 2015 they acquired an Oriental neuter and re-entered the exhibitor arena.  In 2018 they acquired a Bambino  neuter kitten and they are currently active exhibitors

Their cattery produced 2 Triple Supreme Champion of the Year winners and 1 Veteran of the Year winner, as well as 5 National Qualifiers (and 12 additional National Qualifiers, owned by them).


Tel +27(0) 76 335 3595  I   E-MAIL 

 ETRECIA BESTER  I  Chairperson  I  Show Executive (NCSE) I  Registrar                                                                                         

Etrecia has been a member of CFSA since 1999.  After being a member of the Information Executive during 2006 and 2007, she was elected as Information Executive (NCIE) from 2008 to 2014.  In addition, she was also the Club Representative (NCCE) in 2010 and 2011. From 2010 Etrecia has been the COTY Event Manager, and since 2012 she has been responsible for managing the CFSA Show Administrator duties.  In 2014 she was elected as Chairperson of CFSA.  She served on various club committees and since 2011 she’s been the Chairperson and Show Manager of the Feline Fan Club.  In 2018 Etrecia was appointed as Show Executive (NCSE) and at the end 2019 she was appointed as the CFSA Registrar.


Etrecia and her partner started exhibiting with CFSA in 2000 and they are still active exhibitors.  Etrecia also co-owns a cattery with her partner and they've been registered Persian and Exotic breeders with CFSA since 1999. Their cattery produced 26 National Qualifiers, 3 National Winners and has been nominated for the Cattery of the Year award 8 times. Etrecia and her partner was awarded Cattery of the Year in 2017 and bred the 2017 Cat of the Year.


Tel +27 (0) 83 442 1512 I   E-MAIL  I E-MAIL SHOWS  E-MAIL REGISTRAR

 PC BEKKER  I  Treasurer (co-opted)                                                                                                                                                        

Our Treasurer for 10 years, Antoni Nortman has unfortunatey resigned.  We thank him for the excellent job over the years keeping track of the CFSA finances and wish him well for his future.


PC Bekker was co-opted at the CFSA EXCO meeting held on 24 February 2024 to act a Treasurer for the remainder of the 4 year period until Election Year 2026.


Tel +27 (0) 76 335 3595 I   E-MAIL 

 MARLISE BORNMAN  I  Secretary                                                                                                                                                           

Marlise has been a member of CFSA from 2006. She was co-opted as CFSA Secretary in 2020. She has been a member of various CFSA clubs and is the membership secretary and secretary of the Feline Fan Club.

Marlise is a well-known face at the admin table at shows.  She is a very valuable member of the NCSE sub-committee.


Marlise started exhibiting with CFSA in 2006 and is an active exhibitor.  She is a registered Persian breeder with CFSA since 2019.  Her cattery produced 1 National Qualifier.


Tel +27 (0) 82 441 3822  I   E-MAIL

 HANRIE BEKKER  I  Judges' Executive  (NCJE)                                                                                                                                     

Hanrie has been a member of CFSA since 1998.  In 2016, she was elected as the CFSA Judges's Executive.  She has been a member of various CFSA clubs since 1998.  In 2008 she started her journey to become a judge and in 2011 she successfully qualified as a CFSA all breeds judge, affiliated with the National Cat Judges Forum, since 2008.  Hanrie is an active and highly respected all breeds judge.  

Throughout the years she has fulfilled many roles in the cat fancy, from being a steward, Persian, Exotic and Devon Rex breeder, all breeds judge, CFSA club committee member, etc.
Hanrie and her husband started exhibiting and breeding Persians with CFSA in 1998; in 2000 they added an Exotic breeding programme; and in 2001 they further expanded their cattery and incorporated a Devon Rex breeding program.  In 2012 they stopped their breeding programs and retired from exhibiting, to focus on family matters and embark on their judging journeys.  In 2015 they acquired an Oriental neuter and re-entered the exhibitor arena; they are currently active exhibitors.

Their cattery produced 2 Triple Supreme Champion of the Year winners and 1 Veteran of the Year winner, as well as 5 National Qualifiers (and 12 additional National Qualifiers owned by them).


Tel +27(0) 84 602 1263  I  E-MAIL 

 DANIEL VIVIERS   I  Clubs' Executive  (NCCE)                                                                                                                                      


Tel +27 (0)  65 142 2523 |  E-MAIL 

Position vacant  I  Information Executive  (NCIE)                                                                                                                                    

The NCIE position is currently vacant.  If you are a member of CFSA, have the required knowledge and expertise to maintain the CFSA website (WIX based), Facebook group and page and have enough time to devote to these duties, please apply by sending your CV with cover letter to

NCIE job description

CHARMAINE DANZIGER  I  Marketing/Sponsorship Liaison (Co-opted position)                                                                             
CHRISTO BEKKER  I  General (Co-opted position)                                                                                                                                

© CFSA 1997  I  Designed and Updated by NCIE  I  All Rights Reserved

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